Height: 5ft6 (168cm)Weight: 119lbs (54kg)
Waist: 30.7in (78cm)
Hips: 47.2in (120cm)
Breast: G-CupBust: 43.3in (110cm)
Under Bust: ...in (..cm)
Soft realistic TPE skinMetallic Skeleton 100% articulated
Sexual Holes
Vaginal Sex: 6.7in (17cm)Anal Sex: 6.2in (16cm)
Oral depth: 5.5in (14cm)
Key Features
This is a classic TPE love doll with skin soft as silk- Ready for vaginal, anal and oral sex
- Soft realistic TPE skin
- Steel frame fully articulated
- Can hold pose
- Head easily switchable (extra head can be bought separately)
- Wig easily switchable (extra wig can be bought separately)
- Eyes easily switchable (extra wig can be bought separately)
Vagina & Anal photos
The post Usagi 168cm G-cup Japanese Sex Doll appeared first on Sex Doll Paradise.